Lost in the Snow ❄️

Team: Sabrina Li, Ashley Liu, Hah-Young Kim

Winter was relaxing on a cruise ship, but suddenly got shipwrecked and is now stranded on a snowy island. Help her collect materials to build a ship and return back home before nightfall! Be aware of the cute but deadly enemies who are defending their territory! 


  • Move: AWSD/ arrow keys
  • Shoot: left/ right ctrl keys
  • Jump: space bar
  • Also compatible with Xbox gamepads


  • All sprites were created and designed by us using Piskel and Gimp
  • All sound effects were found on  jfxr.frozenfractal.com
  • Music: "Winter" by LiQWYD

Presentation Link:



windows_Build.zip 30 MB
macOS_Build.zip 40 MB

Development log


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This is a very solid game. The art style is cohesive, and the mechanics play well. I think that it would be cool for the story to be a little more apparent within the game, and for there to be a bit more visual variety. A teeny tiny nitpick is that the pixel art of the player/objects doesn't really match the pixel art of the environment (the player has line art, the environment and enemies don't).

George Gonzalez:
I think that you did really well with keeping the art all in the same style and concept. I can see how much you improved and how much work you put in from your test run to your presentation as the game feels a lot better now as before some parts felt too slippery. I think if you were to move forward with this game you might want to make it clearly that enemies are dangerous as since they are cute they don't seem dangerous when the player first encounters them.

The theme of the game definitely works together and I like the relaxed nature which fits the theme. I think polishing the enemy behavior would be good (making sure they never get stuck) and removing some unnecessary words from the UI like "Wood Collected for Current Level" to level "Current Wood" or "Wood Collected" because its clear that the other UI element is tracking the "Total Wood". The compatibility with Xbox gamepads is nice and I like the environments/backgrounds. Adding more powerups and abilities would be nice for possible additions. 

Chenny Yun: The aesthetics of the game are very nice. Everything seems to fit into one cohesive theme, which makes the game feel really smooth.  One suggestion would be to increase the difficulty of the game just a bit. This could be through increase the life points of the enemy or adding more enemies.

Justin Rivera: This is a pretty solid play. the aesthetic is pleasing and it's a nice game to chill out with. It's still engaging but I can also relax and enjoy it. I did feel a bit slow while I was moving, but I think that's okay for this game since you have terrain that directly changes the movement speed of the player. Overall, great job with this!

Nathan Cantu: The game is actually pretty fun. It looks great stylistically and the level design and enemy diversity make playing it repeatable and enjoyable. The only real comment I have is just the question of why I'm killing all the animals in the first place, especially the bear that doesn't hurt you unless you touch it. Also, having the control keys shoot feels weird. I would’ve made jumping the up arrow and the space bar the shoot button. Overall great job


xiao ling

ahhhhh its so cuteeeeeee!

controls are smooth and its a solid game. it was a nice surprise that i could attack the penguin's snowball! really liked that touch. the fall down the clip was also smooth with the fade thingy :3

Jack Liu:

This game is very cute. I like the character rabbits and bears very much. I can see that the creator painted them very carefully. Music is very relaxing to listen to. Although the game is set in snow and ice, it gives a warm feeling to me when I play it. The design of the game is also very clear, the player need to defeat enemies and collect enough wood to get through the game. Anyway, it's a very good game. I love playing it!

Remi Vaughan: This game is very cute and is a pretty solid platformer overall. The visuals are great, and I think you did especially well in your choice of sound effects. They all fit the game very well in my opinion. In terms of improvement, I'd say to try to give the game something that makes it stand out, like some kind of mechanic, theme, mood, etc. Maybe start with snow/ice related mechanics to fit with the theme?

Michael Chen: I was lucky to play your prototypes, and I am surprised that you guys have done a lot of bug fixings and improvements on player's experience. I like the ideas of slippery platforms and different colors of bunnies representing the enemies. However, it might be a little bit odd to see bunnies in the arctic landscape; I am sure that there are lots of people like this interesting settings (bunnies live in a place full of ice). One suggestion is that I have noticed that when player fall into the spikes, player can walk on the spikes. This may be a little bit weird since player can rarely be comfortable in walking on the spikes. Maybe you guys can fix it by bouncing the player off the strikes when the player falls into them; this is a little penalty and seems more reasonable. Overall, you guys did a wonderful job! 

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Christ: I played this game in the play test week and they already did a great job on everything, like the level design, player animation, especially there are so many adorable enemies like penguin and rabbit!! Btw, I like the idea that there are different grounds causing different speed while player walking on it. Good job!!!

The sprites in this game look great! The enemies each provide a different type of obstacle whether it's chasing or attacking is a neat touch. I like the option to intercept the enemy's attacks rather than just resorting the player to dodging out of the way. There seems to be a bug where the player won't lose any lives if they're in constant contact with the white bunny. Overall, the animations are smooth and the game is well done!

Shaur Kumar: The game looks pretty decent, though I believe that the tilemap ice platforms can get a little stale and would have preferred new ice/grounds per level area. The character controls decently, with only a few unfairly tuned jumps that should have some revisiting. I think the enemy aesthetics are a bit too cute and some levels start the player immediately in danger, which doesn't give the player a good amount of time to react to the new situation and leads to some unfair cheesy loss of lives. Overall, a very fun experience with some minor polish issues.

Yilin Zhao: I really like that the screen goes black and the level automatically restarts when the player dies. This makes the game stand out from the others. The overall design of the level difficulty is reasonably well and super clever. I can't even remember how many times I fail the last level before I figure out that I was supposed to go to the left side and jump onto the platform to get rid of the red rabbit that I can never kill. One little problem is that the spikes don't always cause damage. Overall, I really enjoy playing this game.

Shangyu: This is an excellent game with high-quality production values. The visuals are refreshing and cute, with well-designed character sprites and impressive animations. The level design is intriguing and offers players ample space to explore. The adorable enemies are especially noteworthy and make it difficult to resist falling in love with them. The snowball versus fireball dynamic is also cleverly executed. The game's overall aesthetic style is consistent and polished, making for a comfortable and enjoyable experience. In summary, this is a highly recommended game that is sure to delight players.

Heejin: The audio and art are really good. They work well with the game itself. I love how you have different types of enemies as the player move onto different levels. The last level was kind of hard, but I really enjoyed the entire game. Also, it is cool that you have different types of platforms, like the ones more slippery and less slippery. At first, I was not sure how to jump over the long spikes, but it turns out so cool once I realized that I was on the icy platform! Oh, also, I forgot which level it was, but I love how you had the rabbit which I cannot kill I guess at the beginning of the level and I need to lure it to fall off from the platform!

Roger Li: The art is consistent and extremely well made and I like how the snowball cancels out the fireball. The variety of enemies is also very interesting. It would be interesting if the enemies could interact with the environment (such as being damaged by spikes). Some parts of the game is hard to understand, like what does the warning sign do? The enemy behavior could also be improved since having enemies stuck in random corners makes it feel like they are bugged in my opinion

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Yanglin Tao: I like the ice-world theme and character sprites in this game. They are well-designed and the animations are very cool. The level designs are also very interesting and give player space to explore the game. Overall it's an aesthetic and relaxing game to play.

Game feel is nice and consistent: quite calming with the music and snowy particles. Sprites are cute and UI changes when you get hit are done really cleanly. Level design with the different platform frictions is done very nicely. I just wish the faster ice sprite was a little more distinguishable. On the flip side, audio is a little loud. Control is a bit of an awkward fire key and there is no cooldown rate or punishment for pressing the button constantly which seems a little op.  Spikes dont deal continuous damage so you can walk through them after taking damage which is a bit weird. Getting stuck on the side of walls breaks some immersion. User speeds up a lot when close to the bottom or side of a faster platform which can be a bit unsettling when you came from a platform of different speed.

Nishma: The animations and artwork were really nice in this game, and I loved the level design as well! I was confused with the enemies at first because they seem like cute, friendly animals haha. But I love the concept, and also the fact that I think you guys mentioned the backgrounded changed based on the time of day, like real-time, so I think that's super cool!

I really like the art of the game. The snow flakes and the music are a very nice addition that blends very well with the theme. 

Overall it is a very fun game, the one small thing I had with the game was that the CTRL button was for shooting. For me it felt very unnatural. For our game we just set the UP ARROW for jumping and the space for shooting

Yuxuan Lin (Kerwin): It is the best game design I see for now. A girl with the match in the world of snow. There are plenty game elements including different terrains and different enemies. They all lead the players to try different ways to pass the game. Last but not least, the music was pleasant, too.

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Sergey: It's fun to play this game; exploring the world is interesting. Each level seems to add new mechanics, which is interesting. I also like the 'red' rabbit that I cannot kill, even though tried several times :

I like the design of the characters in the game extra. The enemies are so cute that you can't even bear to defeat them, and the main character's role is very cute.